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Twin Cities and Rochester Campus programs
Accountancy - MAcc
Addictions Counseling-MPS
Additional Teaching Licensure Program
Adult Education - Certificate
Adult Education MEd
Adult Literacy Certificate
Advanced Wearable Products - Certificate
Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics - MS
Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics - PhD
Agricultural Education & Communication - Advanced Studies and Research - MS
Agricultural Education & Communication - Initial Licensure - MS
American Indian and Indigenous Studies PhD
American Studies PhD
Animal Sciences MS
Animal Sciences PhD
Anthropology PhD
Applied Child and Adolescent Development - Individualized Studies - MA
Applied Child and Adolescent Development - Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health - MA
Applied Economics-MS
Applied Economics-PhD
Applied Plant Sciences - Agronomy/Agroecology - MS
Applied Plant Sciences - Agronomy/Agroecology - PhD
Applied Plant Sciences-Applied Plant Sciences-MS
Applied Plant Sciences-Applied Plant Sciences-PhD
Applied Plant Sciences-Horticulture-MS
Applied Plant Sciences-Horticulture-PhD
Applied Plant Sciences-Plant Breeding/Molecular Genetics-MS
Applied Plant Sciences-Plant Breeding/Molecular Genetics-PhD
Architecture - Metropolitan Design - MS
Architecture MArch
Architecture-Research Practices-MS
Architecture-Sustainable Design-MS
Art History PhD
Arts and Cultural Leadership - MPS
Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures and Media MA
Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures and Media PhD
Astrophysics PhD
Audiology AuD
Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Biophysics PhD
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology MS
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology PhD
Biological Sciences MBS
Biomedical Engineering MS
Biomedical Engineering PhD
Bioproducts and Biosystems Science Engineering and Mgmt MS
Bioproducts and Biosystems Science Engineering and Mgmt PhD
Business Administration PhD
Business Administration-Rochester-MBA
Business Analytics - MS
Chemical Engineering PhD
Chemical Engineering MChE
Chemical Engineering MSChE
Chemical Physics MS
Chemical Physics PhD
Chemistry MS
Chemistry PhD
Civic Engagement - MPS
Civil Engineering MS
Civil Engineering PhD
Classical and Near Eastern Religions and Cultures - Classics - MA
Classical and Near Eastern Religions and Cultures - Religions in Antiquity - MA
Classical and Near Eastern Religions and Cultures - Religions in Antiquity - PhD
Clinical Physiology and Movement Science-Clinical Movement Sci-Certificate
Clinical Physiology and Movement Science-Clinical Physiology-Certificate
Communication Studies PhD
Comparative and Molecular Biosciences MS
Comparative and Molecular Biosciences PhD
Comparative Literature PhD
Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society PhD
Computer Science PhD
Computer Science - MS
Computer Science MCS
Conservation Sciences-Conservation Science-MS
Conservation Sciences-Conservation Science-PhD
Conservation Sciences-Fisheries and Aquatic Biology-MS
Conservation Sciences-Fisheries and Aquatic Biology-PhD
Conservation Sciences-Wildlife Ecology and Management-MS
Conservation Sciences-Wildlife Ecology and Management-PhD
Creative Writing MFA
Curriculum and Instruction - Advanced Practices in Second Language Teaching - Certificate
Curriculum and Instruction - Arts in Education - MA
Curriculum and Instruction - Arts in Education - MEd only
Curriculum and Instruction - Arts in Education - Teaching MEd and Initial Licensure
Curriculum and Instruction - Arts in Education-PhD
Curriculum and Instruction - Culture and Teaching - PhD
Curriculum and Instruction - Elementary Ed - Teaching MEd and Initial Licensure
Curriculum and Instruction - Elementary Ed MA
Curriculum and Instruction - Elementary Ed PhD
Curriculum and Instruction - English - MEd only
Curriculum and Instruction - English Ed - Teaching MEd and Initial Licensure
Curriculum and Instruction - Interdisciplinary Studies - MEd
Curriculum and Instruction - K-12 Technology Integration - Certificate
Curriculum and Instruction - Learning Analytics - Certificate
Curriculum and Instruction - Learning Technologies - MA
Curriculum and Instruction - Learning Technologies - MEd
Curriculum and Instruction - Learning Technologies - PhD
Curriculum and Instruction - Literacy Ed - MA
Curriculum and Instruction - Literacy Ed - MEd
Curriculum and Instruction - Literacy Ed - PhD
Curriculum and Instruction - Math Ed - MA
Curriculum and Instruction - Math Ed - MEd only
Curriculum and Instruction - Math Ed - Teaching MEd and Initial Licensure
Curriculum and Instruction - Online Distance Learning - Certificate
Curriculum and Instruction - Science Ed - MA
Curriculum and Instruction - Science Ed - Teaching MEd and Initial Licensure
Curriculum and Instruction - Science Technology Engineering and Math Ed PhD
Curriculum and Instruction - Second Language Ed for Working Professionals - Teaching MEd and Initial Licensure
Curriculum and Instruction - Second Language Education - MA
Curriculum and Instruction - Second Language Education - MEd only
Curriculum and Instruction - Second Language Education - PhD
Curriculum and Instruction - Second Language Education - Teaching MEd and Initial Licensure
Curriculum and Instruction - Social Studies Ed - MA
Curriculum and Instruction - Social Studies Ed - PhD
Curriculum and Instruction - Social Studies Ed - Teaching MEd and Initial Licensure
Curriculum and Instruction - Teaching Writing and Critical Literacy - Certificate
Curriculum and Instruction - TESOL - MA
Data Science - MS
Data Science - Post-Baccalaureate Certificate
Data Science for Chemical Engineering and Materials Science - MS
Data Science in Operations Research - MSDSOR
Dental Hygiene MSDH
Dentistry MS
Design - Apparel Studies - MS
Design - Apparel Studies - PhD
Design - Architecture - PhD
Design - Graphic Design - MFA
Design - Graphic Design - MS
Design - Graphic Design - PhD
Design - Interior Design - MS
Design - Interior Design - PhD
Design - Product Design - MS
Design - Product Design - PhD
Development Practice - MDP
Developmental Psychology - Developmental Psychopathology/Clinical Science - PhD
Developmental Psychology - Developmental Science - PhD
Dietetics MPS
Disability Policy and Services - Certificate
Dual Degree - Masters of Science in Finance & Masters of Science in Business Analytics
Early Care and Education - MEd
Early Childhood Education-MEd and Initial Licensure
Early Childhood Policy - Certificate
Earth Sciences - Biogeology - MS
Earth Sciences - Biogeology - PhD
Earth Sciences - Earth Sciences - MS
Earth Sciences - Earth Sciences - PhD
Earth Sciences - Geology - MS
Earth Sciences - Geology - PhD
Earth Sciences - Geophysics - MS
Earth Sciences - Geophysics - PhD
Earth Sciences - Hydrogeology - MS
Earth Sciences - Hydrogeology - PhD
Ecology Evolution and Behavior MS
Ecology Evolution and Behavior PhD
Economics PhD
Ed Psych - Autism Spectrum Disorder - Certificate
Ed Psych - Counselor Education - MA
Ed Psych - Psychological Foundations - MA
Ed Psych - Psychological Foundations - PhD
Ed Psych - Quantitative Methods in Educ - MA
Ed Psych - Quantitative Methods in Educ - PhD
Ed Psych - School Psychology - PhD
Ed Psych - School Psychology - Specialist Certificate
Ed Psych - Special Ed - Additional Licensure Only
Ed Psych - Special Ed - MA
Ed Psych - Special Ed - MEd and Additional Licensure
Ed Psych - Special Ed - MEd and Initial Licensure
Ed Psych - Special Ed - MEd only
Ed Psych - Special Ed - PhD
Election Administration - Certificate
Electrical and Computer Engineering MSECE
Electrical Engineering PhD
Electrification Engineering Certificate
English MA
English PhD
Entomology MS
Entomology PhD
Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology-MS
Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology-PhD
Family Education - M Ed only
Family Education - Parent Ed Teaching License M Ed
Family Social Science MA
Family Social Science PhD
Feminist Studies PhD
Finance MS
Finance MS - Research Track
Financial Mathematics MFM
Food Science MS
Food Science PhD
French MA
French PhD
Fundamentals of Quantitative Finance - Certificate
Geoengineering MS
Geographic Information Science MGIS
Geography MA
Geography PhD
Germanic Studies - German PhD
Germanic Studies MA
Germanic Studies PhD
Germanic Studies-German MA
Health Informatics - Clinical Informatics - PhD
Health Informatics - Data Sci and Info for Learning Hlth Systems - PhD
Health Informatics - Precision and Personalized Medicine Info - PhD
Health Informatics - Translational Bioinformatics - PhD
Health Informatics MHI
Health Informatics MS
Heritage Studies and Public History - Archaeological Heritage - MHSPH
Heritage Studies and Public History - Historic Preservation - MHSPH
Heritage Studies and Public History - Public and Applied History - MHSPH
Hispanic and Lusophone Literatures Cultures and Linguistics-PhD
History of Science Technology and Medicine - History of Medicine - MA
History of Science Technology and Medicine - History of Medicine - PhD
History of Science Technology and Medicine - History of Science and Technology - MA
History of Science Technology and Medicine - History of Science and Technoloy - PhD
History PhD
Human Factors and Ergonomics-MS
Human Factors and Ergonomics-PhD
Human Resource Development - Certificate
Human Resource Development - MEd
Human Resources and Industrial Relations M.HRIR
Human Rights MHR
Human Sexuality - Certificate
Industrial and Systems Engineering-Analytics-MSISyE
Industrial and Systems Engineering-Industrial Engineering-MSISyE
Industrial and Systems Engineering-Industrial Engineering-PhD
Industrial and Systems Engineering-Systems Engineering-MSISyE
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health - Certificate
Integrated Behavioral Health - MPS
Integrative Biology and Physiology - PhD
Integrative Biology and Physiology MS
Integrative Health and Wellbeing Coaching MA
Integrative Therapies and Healing Practices - Health Coaching - Certificate
Integrative Therapies and Healing Practices Certificate
K-12 Administrative Licensure (Certificate)
Kinesiology M S
Kinesiology Ph D
Land and Atmospheric Science - MS
Land and Atmospheric Science - PhD
Landscape Architecture MLA
Leadership in Education - MED
Leadership in Health Information Technology - Certificate
Learning and Talent Development - MLTD
Learning Sciences - Certificate
Linguistics MA
Linguistics PhD
Management of Technology MSMOT
Mass Communication MA
Mass Communication PhD
Materials Science and Engineering MSMatSE
Materials Science and Engineering MMatSE
Materials Science and Engineering Ph D
Mathematics MS
Mathematics PhD
Mechanical Engineering MSME
Mechanical Engineering PhD
Medical Device Innovation MS
Medical Physics MS
Medical Physics PhD
Medicinal Chemistry PhD
Microbial Engineering MS
Microbiology Immunology and Cancer Biology PhD
Molecular Cellular Developmental Biology and Genetics - Genetic Counseling - MS
Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics MS
Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics PhD
Molecular-Cellular-Developmental Biology and Genetics PhD
Music DMA
Music Education Licensure - Certificate
Music MA
Music MM
Music PhD
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt - Tribal Natural Resources - MS
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt - Tribal Natural Resources - PhD
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt-Assessment Monitoring & Geospatial Analysis-MS
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt-Assessment Monitoring & Geospatial Analysis-PhD
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt-Economics Policy Management & Society-MS
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt-Economics Policy Management & Society-PhD
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt-Forest Hydrology & Watershed Mgmt-MS
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt-Forest Hydrology & Watershed Mgmt-PhD
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt-Forest Products-MS
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt-Forest Products-PhD
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt-Forests-Biology Ecology Conservation & Mgmt-MS
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt-Forests-Biology Ecology Conservation & Mgmt-PhD
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt-MS
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt-Paper Science and Engineering-MS
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt-Paper Science and Engineering-PhD
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt-PhD
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt-Recreation Resources Tourism and Environmental Education-MS
Natural Resources Science & Mgmt-Recreation Resources Tourism and Environmental Education-PhD
Neuroscience PhD
Nonprofit Management - Certificate
Nursing PhD
Nutrition MS
Nutrition PhD
Oral Biology M S
Oral Biology Ph D
Oral Health Educator - Certificate
Org Ldrship Policy Dev - Comparative Intl Dev Educ - MA
Org Ldrship Policy Dev - Comparative Intl Dev Educ - PhD
Org Ldrship Policy Dev - Educ Policy and Leadership - MA
Org Ldrship Policy Dev - Educ Policy and Leadership - PhD
Org Ldrship Policy Dev - Evaluation Studies - MA
Org Ldrship Policy Dev - Higher Education - MA
Org Ldrship Policy Dev - Higher Education - PhD
Org Ldrship Policy Dev - Human Resource Dev - MA
Org Ldrship Policy Dev - Human Resource Dev - PhD
Orthoptics - Certificate
Otolaryngology Ph D Otol
Parent and Family Education Licensure
Parent Education - Certificate
Patent Law - MSPL
Pharmaceutics MS
Pharmaceutics PhD
Philosophy M A
Philosophy PhD
Physical Activity and Health - MEd
Physical Therapy DPT
Physics PhD
Plant and Microbial Biology PhD
Plant Pathology MS
Plant Pathology PhD
Policy Issues on Work and Pay-Certificate
Political Science PhD
Population Health Informatics & Technology - Certificate
Poultry Health - Post-Bacc Certificate
Professional Development - Certificate
Program Evaluation - Certificate
Psychology - Quantitative/Psychometric Methods - PhD
Psychology - Clinical Science and Psychopathology Research - PhD
Psychology - Cognitive and Brain Sciences - PhD
Psychology - Counseling Psychology - PhD
Psychology - Industrial/Organizational Psychology - PhD
Psychology - Personality, Individual Differences and Behavior Genetics - PhD
Psychology - Social Psychology - PhD
Public Affairs - Management and Governance - PhD
Public Affairs - Public Policy - PhD
Public Affairs - Science Technology and Environmental Policy - PhD
Public Affairs - Urban Planning - PhD
Public Affairs Leadership Certificate
Public Affairs MPA
Public Policy MPP
Rehabilitation Science MS
Rehabilitation Science PhD
Rhetoric and Scientific and Technical Communication MA
Rhetoric and Scientific and Technical Communication PhD
Robotics MS
Science Technology and Environmental Policy MS
Security Technologies - MSST
Sex Therapy - Certificate
Sexual Health - MPS
Social and Administrative Pharmacy - MS
Social and Administrative Pharmacy - PhD
Social Work MSW
Social Work PhD
Sociology PhD
Software Engineering MSSE
Speech Language Hearing Sciences - Speech Language Pathology - MA
Speech Language Hearing Sciences PhD
Sport and Exercise Science - MEd
Sport Management MA
Sport Management MEd
Statistics MS
Statistics PhD
Stem Cell Biology MS
Strategic Communication MA
Stream Restoration Sci and Engineering - Certificate
Supply Chain Management MS
Surgery M S Surg
Talent Development and Gifted Education - Certificate
Teaching MEd - Alternative Pathway - ESL
Teaching MEd - Alternative Pathway - Elementary Ed
Technical Communication - Certificate
Technical Communication MS
Technology Leadership - Certificate
Theatre Arts MFA
Theatre Arts PhD
Transgender and Gender Diverse Health - Certificate
Undergrad Multicultural Teaching and Learning - Certificate
Urban and Regional Planning MURP
Veterinary Sciences - MS
Veterinary Sciences - PhD
Water, Energy, and Materials Circularity - Certificate
Youth Development Leadership - MEd
Duluth Campus Programs
Applied Materials Science - Duluth - MS
Biomedical Sciences (Gateways to Medicine and Research) - Medical Track - MS
Biomedical Sciences (Gateways to Medicine and Research) - Research Track - MS
Business Administration-Duluth-MBA
Chemical Engineering - Duluth - MSChE
Chemistry - Duluth - MS
Civil Engineering-Duluth-MS
Communication Sciences and Disorders - Duluth - MA
Computer Science-Duluth-MS
Earth Sciences - Duluth - MS
Education - Duluth - MEd
Electrical Engineering-Duluth-MSEE
Environmental Education - Duluth - Certificate
Environmental Education - Duluth - MEEd
Environmental Health and Safety - Duluth - MEHS
Indigenous Environmental Systems and Economics - Duluth - Certificate
Integrated Biosciences - Duluth - MS
Integrated Biosciences - Ph D
Licensure Teaching - Duluth - Special Education - Academic and Behavioral Strategist
Licensure Teaching - Duluth - Special Education - Autism Spectrum Disorders (add-on to ABS)
Mathematical Sciences - Statistics - Duluth - MS
Mathematical Sciences - Duluth - MS
Mechanical Engineering - Duluth - MSME
Physics - Duluth - MS
Professional Studies in Multidisciplinary Research & Creativity - Duluth - MPS
Psychological Science - Clinical Counseling - Duluth - MA
Psychological Science - Experimental - Duluth - MA
Psychological Science - Industrial Organizational - Duluth - MA
Social Work - Duluth - MSW
Tribal Administration and Governance - Duluth - MTAG
Tribal Administration and Leadership - Duluth - Certificate
Tribal Natural Resource Stewardship; Economics; and Law - Duluth - Certificate
Tribal Resource and Environmental Stewardship - Duluth - MTRES
Tribal Sovereignty and Federal Indian Law - Duluth - Certificate
Water Resources Science - Limnology and Oceanography - MS
Water Resources Science - Limnology and Oceanography - PhD
Water Resources Science MS
Water Resources Science PhD
When do you anticipate starting graduate school?
Fall 2024
Spring 2025
Summer 2025
Fall 2025
Spring 2026
Summer 2026
Fall 2026
Spring 2027
Summer 2027
Fall 2027
Spring 2028
Summer 2028
Fall 2028
Spring 2029
Summer 2029
Fall 2029
Are you a US/Citizen or Permanent Resident?
Are you a US/Citizen or Permanent Resident?
Our Graduate School Diversity Office offers specialized guidance to U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are underrepresented in academia. Do any of the following apply to you? (optional)
I identify as African American/Black, Native American/Alaskan Native, Latino/Hispanic or Asian American/Pacific Islander.
I am a McNair Scholar.